Obsessive Visions
6 October – 3 November 2001
Art Outside the Mainstream
In 1996, England & Co co-curated an exhibition Outsiders & Co with John Maizels to launch the publication of his book Raw Creation. This exhibition, and the sub-title for Maizel’s book, Outsider Art and Beyond, suggested and allowed for the inclusion of artists who had an authentic inner vision, but who were not necessarily Outsiders according to strict definitions of the category. This exhibition explores what has been called an Outsider aesthetic, an art outside the critical and institutional mainstream; but its main criteria is that, in Paul Klee’s words, the artists attempt to ‘make secret visions visible’.
There are works by both acknowledged true Outsiders such as Scottie Wilson and Madge Gill, together with works by artists who are to various degrees more educated and culturally aware.
More information at England&Co