11th October to 10th December 2022

The College of Psychic Studies presents Creative Spirits, an exhibition that offers intrepid travellers an odyssey into the otherworldly where it will encounter art, and photography created by 100 mediums, dreamers and visionaries over the last 165 years. Explore all fourteen rooms on six floors of our Victorian townhouse in South Kensington and be inspired by the thought-provoking and visually powerful art and photography of creative spirits from the earthly and beyond. Be amazed by Aleksandra Ionowa, dubbed Finland’s Hilma af Klint, whose drawings will be on display for the first time outside of Finland. Enjoy a room devoted to the automatic drawings of our founder member, Anna Howitt Watts who was a pioneering mediumistic artist and champion of women’s reforms in Victorian England.

See the work of visionary women in art from around the world and enter a portal into the invisible through the minds of surrealists, musicalistes and visionaries such as Grace Pailthorpe, Ithell Colquhoun, Madge Gill, Louise Janin, Bruce Lacey, Tony Stubbing and Alan Davie. There will be a celebration of the history of tarot and the women of the Golden Dawn so don’t miss the pastel drawing by the Golden Dawn founder, Moina Mathers, a lost treasure that hasn’t been seen since it was exhibited in Paris in 1903 at the Salon d’Automne. For those who feel inspired we encourage you to embrace your own creative spirit and enter our 2022 art competition – Inspiration from Dreams and Visions which is free to enter. Digital submissions will be accepted until November 11th and the winner will be announced on December 2nd 2022 and full details can be found here on our website.
There will also be the opportunity to peruse our specialist esoteric library or take a few moments of quiet contemplation in the meditative space of our Sanctuary. Exhibition tours and a series of events by College tutors and visiting experts will be available to book via our website. The College of Psychic Studies is an educational charity that began in 1884 under the name of the London Spiritualist Alliance. As one of the oldest establishments of its kind, the nature of our work has evolved to incorporate a more general and widely-based exploration of consciousness beyond matter. It offers a comprehensive curriculum of courses and workshops as well as lectures and consultations with leading mediums, healers and experts in subjects as diverse as mediumship, numerology, astrology, tarot and palmistry.
Vivienne Roberts – College Curator
Gill Matini – College Principal
Visitor Information
Opening times: October 11th – December 10th 2022 11am – 5pm
Venue: The College of Psychic Studies – 16 Queensberry Place, South Kensington, London, SW7 2EB
Admission: Members free / Non-Members £5 All ages welcome
Exhibition Artists and Photographers
Ethel le Rossignol, Alice Essington Nelson, Georgiana Houghton, Madge Gill, Ithell Colquhoun, Anna Hackel, Cecilie Marková, Florence Seth, Margot, Frances Smokowski, Aradne, Zinnia Nishikawa, Anna Howitt Watts, Luigi Russolo, Donald Pass, Dora Head, Heinrich Nüsslein, Aleksandra Ionowa, Anna Zemánková, Merhrad Rashidi, Richard C Smith, Moina Mathers, Pamela Colman Smith, Cara Macwilliam, Sean Jefferson, Mary Bligh Bond, John Alleyne, Sidney MacDonald, Jan Arden, Chris Neate, Allen Moore o2o, Christian Román, Josefa Tolrà, Freda Köhler, Isabel de Steiger, Vorja Sánchez, Frederick Hudson, Madge Donohoe, Alessandro Keegan, Emma Schultz, Niall Millen, Luis Gasparetto, Matthew Manning, Margaret Bevan, Coral Polge, Ethel Annie Weir, Alice Pery, Victor de Kubinyi, Baron Arild Rosenkrantz, Frank Leah, Frank Sharp, Benjamin Creme, Bruce Lacey, Cathy Ward, Elizabeth French, Ann Richardson, James Tissot, Tony Stubbing, Alan Davie, Marianne McCarthy, Mary Wykeham, Justin Duerr, Nicole Frobusch, David Duguid, Victorien Sardou, Louise Janin, Gustave Bourgogne, Leon Bellot, Jean Marie Euzet, Juliette Euzet, Grace Pailthorpe, Ada Deane, William Hope, Richard Boursnell, Alma Rumball, Katja Tschährä, Ione Georgiana Powell, David Tibet, Melissa Alley, May Benzenberg Mayer, Edouard Buguet, F M Parkes, H W Pickersgill, Akio Kontani, Olivia M Healy, Nicolas Bruno, Leonora Carrington, Daniel, Julia Oak, William Mumler, Staveley Bulford, Ivor James, William Stainton Moses, John Kay Browning, Edith Braund, Damien Michaels, Cadanse Dickenson, William Keeler, Helen Donald Smith and William Eglinton.